5. Maras, Moray tours half day

Type Tours






Best Time


Group Size

Max 12



Trip Summary

Characteristics Tour Maras Moray

Here we present the features of our Maras Moray Tour that you should know before starting this memorable experience:

Tour Location: Located in the Maras plain, northeast of the Maras District, in the Urubamba Province, Cusco department.

Tour type: Half-day excursion.

Start time / End time: Pick up is at 8 am and we return to Cusco before lunch.

Recommendations: Don’t forget to bring comfortable shoes, water and your camera.

Highlights: Visit to the impressive Maras salt mines and the Moray agricultural laboratory.



Our day tours are private and the cost varies depending on the size of your group.

  • For groups of 2 to 6 people: $250 total per group.
  • For groups of 7 to 13 people: $350 total.
  • For groups of 14 or more people: Your Sacred Expeditions Peru representative will contact you to establish a price.

Note: Occasionally, we offer the ability to combine private tours (with your consent) with other smaller groups, which may result in a discount. If you are interested in this option, please let us know.

Trip Price:



 x person

I would talk with a expert first.

map Valle Sagrado y Machu Picchu por Tren 2 Días / 1 Noches


This exciting half-day tour will allow you to explore a unique part of the Sacred Valley. You will enjoy stunning views of the Urubamba Mountains, including the majestic Veronica Mountain, and the green valleys dotted with farms. During this trip, you will learn about agriculture, textiles, and the fascinating history of the Incas.

We will pick you up from your hotel around 8am and head first to the agricultural laboratory of Moray. The drive, which takes about an hour and twenty minutes, offers views of the snow-capped peaks of the Andes, vast golden fields of wheat and charming local villages. In Moray, you will explore the impressive amphitheater-shaped terraces, which the Incas used to experiment with different crops in varied microclimates.

After exploring Moray, we will continue to the famous Maras salt mines, located about two miles away. This town has been known since pre-Incan times for its salt production, with more than 3,000 wells carved into the mountainside and filled daily by a stream of water. This unique area offers a spectacular visual experience, perfect for those looking for something different from the archaeological complexes.

Nuestra última parada será en Chinchero, un pintoresco pueblo andino situado a 3,762 metros sobre el nivel del mar, en las llanuras ventosas de Anta, a unos 30 km de Cusco. Desde aquí, disfrutará de vistas panorámicas del Valle Sagrado de los Incas, con la imponente Cordillera Vilcabamba y el majestuoso pico nevado de Salkantay en el horizonte occidental. Chinchero es conocido como el lugar mítico de nacimiento del arco iris y es famoso por su mercado dominical, mucho menos turístico que el de Pisac, pero igualmente encantador. Si su visita no coincide con los días de mercado, podrá visitar un centro textil más pequeño que opera todos los días y ofrece demostraciones de tejido de suéteres naturales de lana de alpaca. Finalmente, explorará la histórica iglesia católica romana, construida sobre un antiguo palacio inca.

Tras estas fascinantes visitas, regresaremos a la ciudad a tiempo para que pueda disfrutar de un almuerzo por su cuenta.



Nuestros tours de un día se realizan de manera privada y el costo varía según el tamaño de su grupo.

  • Para grupos de 2 a 6 personas: $ 250 en total por grupo.
  • Para grupos de 7 a 13 personas: $ 350 en total.
  • Para grupos de 14 o más personas: Su representante de Sacred Expeditions Peru se comunicará con usted para establecer un precio.

Nota: Ocasionalmente, ofrecemos la posibilidad de combinar tours privados (con su consentimiento) con otros grupos más pequeños, lo que puede resultar en un descuento. Si está interesado en esta opción, háganoslo saber.

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Booking Form

Complete the following information to make your reservation; Contact us in case of doubt. If you want to pay for this tour, you can do it through PayPal, do not forget to fill out the booking form before proceeding with the payment.

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